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Join our "Cookies" Discussion List!

We have a discussion e-mail list for our favorite topic - COOKIES! The purpose is to discuss cookies - family traditions and history, cookie cutters and cookie molds and anything regarding cookie shaping and the traditions associated with it. This is a great way to reach a large number of people (280 members and growing - the largest group of cookie cutter fans on the web!) who are all interested in cookies, to ask questions, to get answers or just to talk about our favorite subject.

How It Works
The way a discussion list works is this - it is not a chat room. You do not have to be online at the same time as everyone else. This is an e-mail list. Someone sends a message to the list and it is received by everyone who is a member of that list. When you receive the message you can read it and forget it, or read it and send an answer or opinion to the entire group or you can e-mail the sender directly. You can be an observer, always reading the information without ever answering, if you choose to do so. But we hope you will want to jump right in. There is no fee and no obligation. You are free to subscribe or unsubscribe at any time.

How To Subscribe
If you'd like to join our discussion group just fill in your email address in the space below and follow directions on the page you are taken to or send an e-mail with just the word subscribe in it. That's all there is to it. You'll receive a welcome message and from then on will be part of the Cookies Discussion Group and will receive any message sent to the group. The welcome message will also tell you how you can send a message to the entire group. Please join us. We know you'll enjoy it.

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