
Welcome to our Database!

(You may want to print out these directions to follow the first time you access the database.)

Click here to go directly to our database

or read through the directions first:

Step 1
You will first encounter a login screen. If you are already a member, or have subscribed by mail and received your id and temporary password, simply enter those and submit. (This is a subscriber only database. If you have not accessed it before, click on sign up and complete the membership info. Cost is $5 for a 1 month subscription; $15 for a 6-month subscription or $25 for a 1 year subscription. Subscriptions will automatically renew upon expiration unless cancelled. Online credit card payments are through Paypal, an online payment service. You will be taken through the Paypal steps and returned to the Cookies login. If you prefer, you may mail a check payable to Cookies, 9610 Greenview Lane, Manassas, VA 20109 and receive your id and temporary password by email. Please be sure to include your name, mailing address and email address.
If you would like to try out the database before you subscribe, you may activate a 1 week free trial that will give you a week to try it before your credit card is billed. You may cancel at any time before the week is over by sending an email to giving us your user ID, name and address and you will not be charged.

Step 2.
When you are at the login screen, type in your user ID and password and click "submit." (If you forget your password email: password@cookiecutter to be sent a new temporary password. Be sure to include your user ID, full name and address. We will email you a new password which will allow you to login. You can then update your password to one of your choosing.)

Step 3.
Basic Search. After logging in you will be brought to the basic search page. To do a basic search enter a shape or other word or words that you wish to search for in the keyword block and click "submit."

Step 4.
The next screen will show you a list of the first 20 items that match your search criteria. Scroll through them and click "next" at the bottom of the page if there are more to view. Continue to scroll through and click next as long as there are more results. Click on any shape (listed in red) to bring up a new screen with only that item.

Step 5.
This is the main information screen for each cutter. It will show a photo (if available) for the cutter or the set if its part of one. Also, all information available including the ID# for the cutter in this database, the shape, name of set, brand, size, material, color, country, year 1st released and a note with any other pertinent information on this cutter. Clicking on the brand name (also in red) will produce an overlay block with additional information about the brand.

Advanced Search
A basic keynote search will find any entry that contains the word or words you specifiy regardless of what field they appear in. The advanced search is more selective. It searches only the field you specify. It works best if you fill in only about 2 fields to limit your search. You can look for a particular shape in a particular brand or all plastic cutters in yellow, for example. You can search by cutters released in any year or in a particular country. To find all cutters belonging to 1 set put the name of that set in the set field. To see what cutters we've added since you visited last, put the date of your last visit in that field and submit and you will see a list of everything that has been added or updated since then. Once you have the list you are seeking, you can click on the name of the shape as you did in the basic search and it will take you to that cutter.

If you just want to see everything in the database, select browse instead of search and you will be able to scroll through all the cutters in the database - 20 items at a time- and then click "next" at the bottom of each screen to go to the next screen of 20. As in search, clicking on the shape (in red) or the brand (also in red) will bring up additional information on that cutter or brand.

Now you're all set to search our database! Click here!